Ok, so it's been awhile since I've last written. I decided that attempting to write every day was just too great a challenge for me, so I'm going to keep up with it when I can.

Just a few updates:
- My baby girl Adeline is now one year old. I can't believe how quickly time has flown! She is the most amazing baby and is constantly changing and growing, it's so much fun to watch! She has learned to say "hi" and "bye bye" within the past month, and I'm waiting to hear what other fun words will be coming soon. She can identify "ears" on a person's face, and sometimes their nose or eyes. She's also recently started to shake her head "no" when we use the word, which just makes me laugh. Here are a few pics from her First Birthday Party, which was a blast!!

- I just finished posting my first ever etsy handmade items to my etsy account, I'm selling two baby girl tag blankies. I had made a bunch of them (some boy and uni-sex too) but have recently had a few friends give birth so wanted to send them the blankies instead of selling them. I'm really excited, so I'll see how it all goes! I plan on working on more blankies soon and am hoping to branch out into other baby items like burp cloths, bibs, and possibly even diaper bags, changing pads, etc. to sell. My etsy store is whitneyellen77 - it's a work in progress, so it's a very basic looking site with no logo/etc yet...if the selling goes well, I'll look into revamping it.
- My husband and I just recently paid off six credit card/medical/other bills and I'm looking forward to being debt free in the near future (we still have 3 more credit card bills to go, and am hoping to have those paid off within the next year). But right now, our current goal is to buy our first home this summer, and I'm getting so excited at the prospect of having much more space than our current two bedroom apartment (and being able to store all of our holiday, baby, etc. items properly) and be able to consider expanding our family! We've been working hard on fixing our credit and getting rid of old debt, so it's nice to see our hard work finally paying off (especially since we're living off of my husband's salary alone, with just a little supplemental income from me).
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