So, I used to have this amazing sense of humor. I can still laugh at a good joke with the best of them, but I used to say funny things too! Back in the day, I used to regale my fellow female co-workers with my funny dating mishaps and bawdy, drunken shenanigans, and have the crowd gathered in my cubicle roaring with laughter. The only difference between my life then and now is that I am not dating, getting drunk, or going to work every day. OK - so those are huge differences!! I'm going to have to learn to pool my material from something else, but what?? My adult humor has definitely taken a vacation (probably for all eternity or at least until my children are 18). I guess there are still naked poop stories to be told, only now they involve my infant.
List of Goals for 2009
Keep up my daily blog
Devote some time each week (or possibly day) to my crafts
Start up my own business so that I can make money doing something I love!!!
Buy our first home
Spend more alone time with my husband
Get pregnant (this can only happen once the above two goals have been accomplished)!!
Take a cake decorating class
Go back to school for a medical billing or coding certificate
Get more organized
Exercise more, make healthier meals
Be the best person (mom, wife, friend, fellow human being) I can possibly be in all arenas of my life!!!
Here are some pics of Adeline enjoying her first meal of spaghetti:

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